Page 6 - Golden Tours Oman
P. 6

              And HSE Records

       Although safety is our prime goal at

       work this establishment is provi ding

       ser vices and safety records not

       regarded applicable.

       Quality cer tif i cation also of no rele-

       vance in this f ield of ser vices but we

       are well known among the organiza -

       tions we are deali ng with by the best

       in quality ser vices with in ti me and

       with high safety awareness.                                    1.    Diwan for Royal Cour t

                                                                     2.     Mi nistr y of Tourism
       Existing Registration With

       other organization
                                                                     3.     Ministr y of Spor ts

       The Company is registered
                                                                     4.     Sohar   Ref iner y
       with the following organiza-

       tions in varies ser vices                                     5.     Al Jadidan

       “ Member of Chamber of Com-                                   6.     W.J. Towell-Mar s Division

       merce for the last 12 year s and
                                                                     7.     Ministr y of Interior
       the current position is Tourism

       Committee, Deputy Director.                                   8.     Ministr y of Education

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